White Belt

White Belt Overview

The purpose and benefits of Lean Six Sigma are presented in this two-hour webinar known as White Belt. This presentation offers an overview of the Lean Six Sigma problem-solving phases – known as DMAIC – from defining the problem through implementing solutions that are linked to the underlying root causes and delivering improvements that are consistent, reliable and sustainable. Participants are introduced to some of the various methods and tools of Lean Six sigma. Also presented are the history, purpose and insights into the practical application of Lean Six Sigma within an organization. The webinar also gives an overview of K-State Lean Six Sigma training opportunities.

This informational webinar is offered at no cost.


Upcoming White Belt Webinar

The next webinar will be in Fall 2024.



Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course you will:



The free two-hour informational presentation is offered in a webinar setting.



Participants need no prior experience with Lean Six Sigma to attend this webinar.




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